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$20,000 in Prizes

Winchester/Browning Rewards

Article number: RACK-BW-RSFPWT
Availability: In stock

Walk N Toss is an effective, easy to use planting for producing and attracting big bucks into small areas that have good sunlight and moisture. With a simple hand rake you can get your own spot set up in under an hour.

Walk N Toss was designed for those tough to get to locations way back off the beaten path. But, after many trials in the field we found it worked great for 4 wheeler trails, logging roads and landing. We've even had customers plant it on beaver dams that have mud build up.

  • Benefits
    • Walk N Toss is made up of Perennial Clover varieties with Brassica and Annual Ryegrass to protect the clover during the growing stages of summer. The clovers will return year after year its established. The key is to get it planted as early as possible in the spring. As soon as the snow is gone in your area and the ground is soft, its time to prepare the area. Providing more food in the forest is a great drawing card throughout the year and into the fall. It will increase the carrying capacity of the property that you are currently managing. Feeding young deer in the spring of the year is very important to make sure they can grow quickly and beat any predators. The early food will also help with does in providing a quick green food source before fawning in May. 
    • As the fall approaches, Bucks will pop into these locations looking for receptive does that may be feeding in the area that you planted
  • Planting Time
    • In the very early part of spring when the snow has just left the ground, break out your drags or a rake and start scaring the ground. After the soils are exposed, seed the area down. In Southern Ontario its around end of March early April




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