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Article number: TC-TPX7519
Availability: Out of stock

Featuring silent easy cocking and safe-decocking, the Turbo S1 is one of our shortest forward-draw crossbows, measuring an ultra-compact 31" long, and delivering speeds of 400 feet per second. This is the affordable short crossbow you've been looking for.

The short crossbow is equipped with the RX-6 Cam System, a 2-stage, zero-creep S1 Trigger that delivers a consistent crisp, 3.5 lb pull, and the cocking and safe de-cocking system dealers recommend most - the ACUslide.

Requiring just 5 lbs of force to operate - a fraction of the force required on competitors bows - the ACUslide provides easy cocking and de-cocking. This affordable crossbow just keeps getting better and better!

Forget the hassle of carrying a target to discharge your bow, or risking damaging an arrow by discharging it at the end of the hunt - safely decock the crossbow by backwinding the handle, and unlike other decocking systems on the market, stop at any point without the fear of damage, injury, or losing control.

A short crossbow, safer and smoother than anything at price, the Turbo S1 will reset your expectations for performance at its price.

  • ACUslide Cocking & DeCocking System
    • Provides silent cocking a safe decocking
  • Short & Compact Design
    • Measures an ultra-compact 31" long, but still delivers speeds of 390 feet per second
  • RangeMaster 100
    • Variable speed scope maximizes accuracy out to 100 yards and built for speeds up to 505 FPS
  • S1 Trigger
    • 2 stage, zero creep design features a roller sear system for greater trigger control & precision downrange accuracy
  • Sentry BowHanger
    • Easily hang your bow in the stand or protect your broadhead from dirt and grit in the ground blind


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